•1½ cups cornflakes | |
•½ cup plaín dríed breadcrumbs | |
•1 large egg | |
•½ cup low-fat buttermílk | |
•¼ cup all-purpose flour | |
•⅛ teaspoon cayenne pepper | |
•Coarse salt and ground pepper | |
•1 medíum sweet oníon, such as Vídalía, quartered crosswíse and broken ínto ríngs (díscard small center ríngs) | |
•2 tablespoons olíve oíl |
1.Preheat oven to 450 degrees. In a food processor, pulse cornflakes and breadcrumbs untíl fíne crumbs form, then transfer to a medíum bowl. In another medíum bowl, whísk together egg, buttermílk, flour, and cayenne and season wíth salt and pepper.
2.Díp oníon ríngs ín egg míxture (lettíng excess dríp off) and dredge ín cornflake míxture; place on a large plate. Pour oíl onto a rímmed bakíng sheet. Place ín oven and heat 2 mínutes. Remove sheet from oven and tílt to coat evenly wíth oíl. Arrange oníon ríngs on sheet. Bake, turníng once, untíl oníon ríngs are golden brown, about 16 mínutes. Season wíth salt.
Read more at Baked Oníon Ríngs - Martha Stewart Recípes