Sunday Gravy | |
Rícotta cheese | |
Mozzarella cheese, whole block | |
Grated Parmesan cheese or parmígíano- | |
reggíano | |
Zítí pasta, cooked al dente and draíned |
Míx your cooked zítí wíth some of the gravy and parmesan cheese. Lay 1/2 ín the bottom of a 9 x 13 dísh. Top wíth dollpos of rícotta cheese throughout. Cover wíth sauce líghtly and some thín slíces mozzarella. Píle the rest of the zítí míxture on top of that layer.
Dollop wíth rícotta agaín, cover wíth gravy agaín, and slíces of mozzarella.
Bake at 350 untíl cheese has melted nd ís líghtly browned.