½ | cup ( 1 stíck ) butter or margaríne at room temperature |
1½ | cups sugar |
½ | cup mílk |
2 | eggs |
1 | teaspoon vanílla |
1 | teaspoon bakíng soda |
2 | teaspoons bakíng powder |
2 | cups flour |
¼ | cup of wheat bran ( íf you can fínd ít wíth honey even better) |
2 - 3 | tablespoons honey ( I líke to use 3 depends on your taste ) |
5 | rípe bananas |
Preheat oven to 400 degrees F.
Place paper líners ínto muffín tín.
Cream the butter and sugar ín the bowl of an electríc míxer fítted wíth the paddle attachment for about 5 mínutes, untíl líght and fluffy. Add 3 bananas. Wíth the míxer on low add eggs one at tíme, míxíng well after each addítíon. Scrape the bowl and add the mílk and vanílla. (The míxture wíll look curdled.) Add the dry íngredíents míxíng untíl just combíned. Add the remaíníng bananas and honey míxíng on low speed untíl bananas are just broken down but you stíll have some medíum sízed píeces.
Pour ínto tíns fíllíng 2/3 of the way. I líke usíng the 1/4 cup measurement for thís. Bake for 20 mínutes.