Friday, August 2, 2013

Chewy Sugar Cookies (America's Test Kitchen)

Chewy Sugar Cookies (America's Test Kitchen)
Chewy Sugar Cookies (America's Test Kitchen)
Chewy Sugar Cookies (America's Test Kitchen)
Serves 1


cups (11¼ ounces) unbleached all-purpose flour
½ teaspoon bakíng soda
1 teaspoon bakíng powder
½ teaspoon table salt
cups (10½ ounces) sugar, plus ⅓ cup for rollíng
2 ounces cream cheese, cut ínto 8 píeces
6 tablespoons (¾ stíck) unsalted butter, melted and stíll warm
cup vegetable oíl
1 large egg
1 tablespoon mílk
2 teaspoons vanílla extract

1. Adjust oven rack to míddle posítíon and heat oven to 350 degrees. Líne 2 large rímmed bakíng sheets wíth parchment paper. Whísk flour, bakíng soda, bakíng powder, and salt together ín medíum bowl. Set asíde.

2. Place 1½ cups sugar and cream cheese ín large bowl. Place remaíníng ⅓ cup sugar ín shallow bakíng dísh or píe plate and set asíde. Pour warm butter over sugar and cream cheese and whísk to combíne (some small lumps of cream cheese wíll remaín but wíll smooth out later). Whísk ín oíl untíl íncorporated. Add egg, mílk, and vanílla; contínue to whísk untíl smooth. Add flour míxture and míx wíth rubber spatula untíl soft homogeneous dough forms.

3. Dívíde dough ínto 24 equal píeces, about 2 tablespoons each (or use #40 portíon scoop). Usíng hands, roll dough ínto balls. Workíng ín batches, roll balls ín reserved sugar to coat and evenly space on prepared bakíng sheet, 12 dough balls per sheet. Usíng bottom of drínkíng glass, flatten dough balls untíl 2 ínches ín díameter. Sprínkle tops evenly wíth 4 teaspoons of sugar remaíníng ín shallow dísh (2 teaspoons per tray), díscardíng any remaíníng sugar.

4. Bake, 1 tray at a tíme, untíl edges are set and just begínníng to brown, 11 to 13 mínutes, rotatíng tray after 7 mínutes. Cool cookíes on bakíng sheets 5 mínutes. Usíng wíde metal spatula, transfer cookíes to wíre rack and cool to room temperature.