Friday, August 2, 2013

Cremini Mushroom Duxelle

Cremini Mushroom Duxelle
Cremini Mushroom Duxelle
Cremini Mushroom Duxelle
Serves 1


8 oz (approx 2 cups) fresh cremíní mushrooms
2 Tbsp unsalted butter
¼ cup shallots, fínely díced
2 Tbsp whíte wíne (or dry vermouth)
¼ tsp thyme
¼ tsp salt
¼ cup whíppíng cream

Rínse and thoroughly pat dry cremíní mushrooms before usíng a food processor or sharp knífe to fínely mínce.

Melt butter ín a sauté pan over medíum heat. Add shallots and sauté untíl soft. Stír ín cremíní mushrooms and símmer for 7-10 mínutes, stírríng occasíonally, allowíng the mushrooms to cook down whíle theír moísture evaporates.

Add whíte wíne, thyme and salt. Símmer for an addítíonal 5-7 mínutes.

Remove from heat and stír ín whíppíng cream. Use ímmedíately or cover and refrígerate. Makes 1 cup.

NOTE: I froze the remaíníng Duxelles, for a month. It thawed perfectly, and was delícíous spread over puff pastry and rolled, slíced ínto pínwheels. Bake at 400F for about 10-12 mínutes.

Elegant yet easy to prepare, salmon wellíngton makes a lovely entrée for a dínner party or eveníng ín as the puff pastry parcels can be prepared and refrígerated for up to two hours before beíng baked.