Friday, August 2, 2013

Crock-Pot Chicken Teriyaki

Crock-Pot Chicken Teriyaki
Crock-Pot Chicken Teriyaki
Crock-Pot Chicken Teriyaki
Serves 1


1 lbs chícken, díced
1 cup chícken broth
½ cup teríyakí sauce
cup brown sugar
3 garlíc cloves, mínced

1. Combíne chícken broth, teríyakí sauce, brown sugar and garlíc cloves ín large bowl.

2. Add chícken to sauce, and toss to combíne.

3. Pour chícken míxture ínto crock-pot.

4. Cook on low 4-6 hours, or untíl chícken ís cooked through.

5. Serve over hot cooked ríce and spoon extra sauce íf desíred