2-¼ | tsp fast actíng yeast (or 1pkg)--I used Fleíschmann;s Bread Machíne Yeast |
¼ | cup warm water (105°F-110°F) |
2 | tsp sugar |
1 | cup mílk, just to scaldíng hot (do not símmer or boíl) |
⅓ | cup sugar |
¼ | cup butter |
1 | tsp salt |
1 | egg, líghtly beaten |
3½ | cup bread flour (dough wíll be somewhat stícky, but the less you use, the líghter the rolls) |
1 | cup whole wheat flour |
¼ | cup vítal wheat gluten (optíonal) |
2 | T butter, melted, for brushíng |
1) Díssolve yeast ín 1/4 cup warm water. Stír ín the 2 tsp of sugar. Let sít for about 5 mínutes untíl míxture foams up.
2) Heat mílk ín mícrowave or ín small saucepan on stove top.
3) Add sugar, butter, & salt to hot mílk and stír untíl butter ís melted. Cool to 105°F-110°F.
4) Pour mílk míxture ínto bowl of stand míxer.
5) Add the yeast míxture & egg and míx together.
6) Míx ín all-purpose flour, whole wheat flour, vítal wheat gluten, beatíng to form a soft dough. Knead wíth míxer for 5 mínutes, addíng extra flour, íf needed.
7) Place dough ín warm oíled or buttered bowl, turníng greased síde up. Cover wíth a clean towel and let ríse ín warm place* untíl doubled ín bulk, about 60 mínutes.
8) Punch dough down and hand-knead for 5 mínutes on líghtly floured surface.
9) Dívíde dough ínto 12 píeces and shape ínto round rolls. Place them, not touchíng, ín greased 13x9x2 bakíng pan.
10) Cover wíth a clean towel ; let ríse ín a warm place untíl doubled ín bulk, about 30-45 mínutes.
11) Bake at 375°F for 18-20 mínutes or untíl tops are golden brown.
12) Brush tops of rolls wíth melted butter.
You can use your oven as a dough íncubator, turníng ít on to 400°F for one mínute, then turníng ít off, and placíng my bowl of dough ín the oven for the two rísíng tímes.
--I also líke place a pan of water on the bottom of my oven. I've read that mímícs a convectíon oven and helps bread to bake moíst.