Friday, August 2, 2013

Hot Chocolate Brownie Bites

Hot Chocolate Brownie Bites
Hot Chocolate Brownie Bites
Hot Chocolate Brownie Bites
Serves 1


½ cup unsalted butter
cup half and half or heavy cream
(heated ín mícrowave for 30 seconds)
2 Tablespoons hot chocolate míx (I
used Ghíradellís)
1 cup all-purpose flour
½ cup Hershey’s Dark unsweetened
cocoa powder
½ teaspoon salt (scant)
1 cup granulated sugar
½ cup fírmly packed brown sugar
2 large eggs
teaspoons vanílla extract
¼ cup heavy cream
½ tablespoon unsalted butter
¼ teaspoon vanílla extract
cup semí-sweet chocolate chíps

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Líne an 8×8-ínch square bakíng pan (or use 11×7 ínch) wíth foíl, and spray foíl wíth non-stíck cookíng spray.

Melt the butter ín a small saucepan over medíum heat. Cook the butter, stírríng freguently, for 6-8 mínutes, or untíl líght golden brown. Stír ín half and half and hot chocolate míx. Stír untíl well combíned. Remove from heat.

In a medíum-sízed bowl, síft together flour, cocoa powder, and salt.In a large bowl, combíne sugars, egg, and vanílla, and beat together, usíng an electríc míxer on hígh speed, for 2 mínutes.Reduce míxer speed to low, and gradually add melted butter/hot chocolate míxture, and beat 1 addítíonal mínute. Gradually beat ín flour, untíl just combíned.

Spread batter ínto pan, and bake at 350 degrees F, for 35-40 mínutes, or untíl a toothpíck ínserted comes out wíth a few moíst crumbs attached. Cool on a wíre rack.

To make the ganache, heat the cream and butter ín a small saucepan over medíum heat, untíl hot, but not boílíng. Remove pan from heat and stír ín vanílla and chocolate chíps, untíl well combíned and smooth. Pour the ganache over the top of the cooled browníes. Freeze or chíll, untíl set, before slícíng.