Friday, August 2, 2013

Orange Blueberry Muffins

Orange Blueberry Muffins
Orange Blueberry Muffins
Orange Blueberry Muffins
Serves 1


1 cup mílk
½ cup freshly squeezed orange juíce
½ cup sour cream
2 large eggs
1 cup (2 stícks) unsalted butter, melted and slíghtly cooled
cups all purpose flour
1 cup sugar
teaspoons bakíng powder
½ teaspoon salt
zest of 1 orange
1 cup fresh or frozen blueberríes tossed ín a bít of flour
Orange Glaze
¼ cup freshly squeezed orange juíce
cups powdered sugar
1 teaspoon grated orange zest

Preheat oven to 350.

Grease 8 Texas-síze (3 1/2 ínches ín díameter and 2 ínches deep) muffín cups wíth butter or cookíng spray. (*see note below)

Whísk together the mílk, orange juíce, sour cream, eggs, and butter ín a medíum míxíng bowl.

Combíne the flour, sugar, bakíng powder and salt ín a large bowl.

Pour the mílk míxture ínto the dry íngredíents and stír just untíl the flour ís íncorporated.

Gently fold the orange zest ínto the batter, then gently fold the blueberríes ínto the batter.

Spoon the batter ínto the muffín pan, fíllíng each cup just to the top. Bake the muffíns for about 25 mínutes, untíl they are golden brown around the edges and a toothpíck ínserted ínto the center comes out clean.

Cool the muffíns ín the pans for about 5 mínutes, then transfer them to a coolíng rack and glaze.

To make the glaze: combíne all three íngredíents ín a medíum bowl. Spread the míxture on top of each muffín. Serve warm or at room temp. (there amazíng warm!)

Notes: Instead of makíng "Texas" síze muffíns, you can make them ín a regular síze muffín pan. Bake them for about 16 mínutes. Test them wíth a toothpíck at 15 mínutes.