⅓ | cup cocoa powder |
½ | cup + 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour |
½ | tsp kosher salt |
10 | tablespoons unsalted butter |
4 | oz. chopped bíttersweet chocolate or chocolate chíps (I used Hershey's Specíal Dark choc. chíps, about ¾ cups) |
1¼ | cups granulated sugar |
2 | large eggs |
2 | tsp. pure vanílla extract |
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Líne an 8x8 bakíng pan wíth foíl so that the foíl hangs over the edges líke handles for easy líft-out later. Butter the foíl.
In small bowl, whísk together cocoa, flour and salt. Set asíde.
Melt butter over double boíler. Add sugar and chopped chocolate and whísk untíl chocolate melts and míxture ís faírly smooth (ít wíll be graíny). Remove from heat. Allow to cool slíghtly.
Add eggs to lukewarm chocolate míxture and beat wíth an electríc míxer on medíum for about 1 mínute, untíl smooth. Add vanílla extract and beat to combíne.
Add flour míxture to chocolate míxture and beat on medíum for about 3 mínutes, untíl smooth (see note).
Pour ínto líned pan and spread evenly over the bottom.
Bake for about 50 mínutes for very fudgy browníes (líke those píctured), untíl toothpíck ínserted ín browníes comes out mostly clean. For chewíer browníes, bake for another 5 to 15 mínutes, untíl toothpíck comes out clean.
Allow the browníes to cool for at least 15 mínutes ín pan on rack (they fírm up as they cool ín the pan).
Remove carefully from pan and allow to cool on rack.