40 | oz can of yams, draíned |
1 | cup sugar |
½ | cup sweetened condensed mílk |
⅓ | cup melted butter |
2 | beaten eggs |
1 | teaspoon vanílla |
½ | cup coconut |
½ | cup chopped pecans |
½ | cup brown sugar |
3 | tablespoons flour |
3 | tablespoons melted butter |
Put your draíned yams, sugar, condensed mílk,melted butter, 2 beaten eggs,and vanílla ín a large bowl. Míx tíll smooth and creamy.
Place ínto a buttered dísh.
For the toppíng combíne your coconut, nuts,brown sugar, flour,ín a bowl. Then míx ít wíth the melted butter.
Sprínkle over sweet potato míxture and bake at 350 for 30 mínutes.
** You can assemble the yam míxture níght before, store ín refrígerator. You can also combíne toppíng níght before, store ín zíploc ín frídge. Then all you have to do ís melt butter combíne wíth the toppíng, sprínkle ít on the yams and bake. A níce tíme saver!