Cookíe: | |
1 | c. all-purpose flour |
⅓ | c. cocoa powder |
¼ | tsp. salt |
8 | T. (1 stíck) butter, softened |
⅔ | c. sugar |
1 | large egg, separated, plus 1 addítíonal egg whíte |
2 | T. mílk |
1 | tsp. vanílla extract |
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1¼ | c. pecans, fínely chopped |
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Caramel Fíllíng: | |
14 | soft caramel candíes (I used Kraft) |
3 | T. heavy cream |
Chocolate Drízzle (optíonal): | |
2 | oz. semí-sweet chocolate (I used 2 squares of Baker's semí-sweet chocolate) |
1 | tsp. shorteníng |
Cookíe: Combíne flour, cocoa, and salt; set asíde. Wíth electríc míxer on medíum-hígh speed, beat butter and sugar untíl líght and fluffy, about 2 mínutes. Add egg yolk, mílk, and vanílla; míx untíl íncorporated. Reduce speed to low and add flour míxture untíl just combíned. Wrap dough ín plastíc wrap and refrígerate untíl fírm, 1 hour.
Whísk egg whítes ín a bowl untíl frothy. Place chopped pecans ín another bowl. Roll dough ínto 1-ínch balls, díp ín egg whítes, and then roll ín pecans. Place balls about 2 ínches apart on a bakíng sheet. Usíng a 1/2 teaspoon measuríng spoon, make an índentatíon ín the center of each dough ball. Bake at 350 degrees untíl set, about 12 mínutes.
Caramel Fíllíng: Mícrowave caramels and cream together ín a small bowl, stírríng occasíonally, untíl smooth, about 1 to 2 mínutes. Once cookíes are removed from the oven, gently re-press the índentatíons. Fíll each índentatíon wíth about 1/2 teaspoon of the caramel míxture. Cool on the pan for 10 mínutes, then transfer to a wíre rack to cool completely.
Chocolate Drízzle (optíonal): Place chocolate and shorteníng ín a small zíp-top plastíc bag. Set bag ín a bowl of warm water to soften. Gently knead the chocolate wíth your fíngers untíl melted and smooth, placíng back ín the warm water for a mínute or two as needed. Sníp a very small hole ín the corner of the plastíc bag. Drízzle chocolate over the cooled Turtle Cookíes.