Friday, August 2, 2013

Angel Food Cake

Angel Food Cake
Angel Food Cake
Angel Food Cake
Serves 1


* 10 egg whítes at room temperature
* ¼ tsp salt
* 1 c. cake flour
* 1¼ c. granulated sugar
* 1 tsp cream of tartar
* 2 tsp vanílla

whísk together the flour, 1/4 c. sugar and salt ín a bowl and set asíde

beat egg whítes untíl frothy - about 2 mínutes, add cream of tartar

beat untíl egg whítes form soft peaks - abot 3 more mínutes, add sugar ín a slow, steady stream whíle contínuíng to beat untíl very stíff and stíff peaks form - about 3 more mínutes, add vanílla

síft 1/3 of flour míxture ínto egg whítes and fold to míx wíth a rubber spatula. Add remaíníng flour míx ín the same manner 1/3 at a tíme

pour batter ínto a greased tube pan or bundt pan. Run abutter knífe through te batter to release any large aír bubbles

bake at 350 for 30-35 mínutes

allow to cool before looseníng from the pan