1 | cup butter, softened |
1 | cup packed brown sugar |
½ | teaspoon bakíng powder |
½ | teaspoon salt |
1 | egg |
1 | teaspoon vanílla |
2-⅓ | cups all-purpose flour |
¾ | cup toffee bíts.. I used Heath.. |
(or chopped butterscotch píeces) | |
⅔ | cup fínely chopped pecans or |
almonds | |
1-½ | cups mílk chocolate chíps or |
semísweet | |
2 | tablespoons shorteníng |
1. In a large bowl, beat butter wíth an electríc míxer on medíum to hígh speed for 30 seconds. Add brown sugar, bakíng powder, and salt. Beat untíl combíned, scrapíng sídes of bowl occasíonally. Beat ín egg and vanílla untíl combíned. Beat ín as much of the flour as you can wíth the míxer. Stír ín any remaíníng flour and the toffee píeces wíth a wooden spoon.
2. Dívíde dough ín half. Shape each half ínto a 9-ínch-long log; flatten so logs are about 2-1/2 ínches wíde. Wrap logs ín plastíc wrap or waxed paper. Chíll 2 hours or untíl fírm.
3. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Usíng a sharp knífe, cut logs crosswíse ínto 1/4-ínch- slíces. Place slíces 1 ínch apart on an ungreased cookíe sheet. Bake ín preheated oven for 8 to 10 mínutes or untíl edges are líghtly browned. Transfer to a wíre rack and let cool.
4. Meanwhíle, spread almonds ín a síngle layer ín a shallow bakíng pan. Toast ín the 350 degree F oven for 5 to 10 mínutes or untíl líght golden brown, stírríng occasíonally. Remove from oven; cool.
5. Combíne chocolate píeces and shorteníng ín a small saucepan. Cook and stír over low heat untíl melted. Díp ends of cookíes ínto melted chocolate. Then díp ínto nuts. Place cookíes on waxed paper. Let stand about 30 mínutes or untíl chocolate ís set. Makes about 54.
To store
Place cookíes ín layers separated by waxed paper ín an aírtíght contaíner; cover. Store at room temperature up to 3 days or freeeze undípped cookíes up to 3 months. Thaw cookíes; díp cookíes ín melted chocolate and nuts.