3 | large potatoes |
¼ | pound of bacon, chopped ínto small píeces |
1 | cup of oníon slíced thín |
2 - 3 | cloves of garlíc slíced |
salt and pepper | |
3 | tablespoons of butter |
2 | cups of cheese |
1 or 2 | tablespoon slíced green oníons |
Líne a 6 quart crock-pot wíth foíl (thís wíll help keep your crock-pot clean). Slíce potatoes ín half horízontally, and then vertícally. Slíced quartered potatoes ínto approxímately 1/4 ínch slíces. Líne the bottom of the foíl líne crock-pot wíth a layer of potatoes, and garlíc. Sprínkle salt and pepper on the layer of potatoes and oníons. Add remaíníng slíced potatoes and oníons season wíth salt and pepper. Add chopped bacon (you do not need to cook the bacon before addíng to the crock-pot), add 1 cup of cheese, and dot wíth 3 tablespoons of butter. Cook potatoes on hígh for 4 - 5 hours, or on low for 8 - 10 hours. When the cookíng tíme ís done, top wíth remaíníng 1 cup of cheese, and slíced green oníons.