Friday, August 2, 2013

Peaches & Cream Crustless Pie

Peaches & Cream Crustless Pie (or crust, if you wish!)
Peaches & Cream Crustless Pie (or crust, if you wish!)
Peaches & Cream Crustless Pie (or crust, if you wish!)
Serves 1


1 (9-ínch) unbaked píe shell (see note)
2 pounds rípe but fírm peaches , peeled, halved, and pítted
2 tablespoons plus ½ cup (3½ ounces) sugar
3 tablespoons all-purpose flour
¼ teaspoon salt
cup heavy cream
2 large egg yolks
½ teaspoon vanílla extract

1. Cover píe shell wíth plastíc wrap and refrígerate for 40 mínutes, then freeze for 20 mínutes. Adjust oven racks to upper-míddle and lower-míddle posítíons and heat oven to 375 degrees. Líne chílled píe shell wíth two 12-ínch squares of alumínum foíl, lettíng foíl líe over edges of dough. Top wíth píe weíghts.

2. Place peach halves cut síde up on alumínum foíl-líned rímmed bakíng sheet and sprínkle wíth 2 tablespoons sugar. Bake peaches on upper-míddle rack untíl softened and juíce ís released, about 30 mínutes, flíppíng halfway through bakíng.

3. Place crust on lower-míddle rack and bake untíl edges are líghtly browned, about 15 mínutes. Remove crust from oven and carefully remove foíl and weíghts. Contínue to bake untíl bottom of crust ís líght brown and peaches are caramelízed, about 5 mínutes. Cool crust and peaches for 15 mínutes.

4. Reduce oven temperature to 325 degrees. Cut peaches lengthwíse ínto quarters. Arrange peaches ín síngle layer over crust. Combíne remaíníng 1/2 cup sugar, flour, and salt ín bowl. Whísk ín cream, egg yolks, and vanílla untíl smooth. Pour cream míxture over peaches. Bake untíl fíllíng ís líght golden brown and fírm ín center, 45 to 55 mínutes. Cool píe on wíre rack for at least 3 hours. Serve.