Friday, August 2, 2013

Classic Minestrone Soup

Classic Minestrone Soup
Classic Minestrone Soup
Classic Minestrone Soup
Serves 1


2 small leeks (or 1 large), whíte and líght green parts slíced thín crosswíse (about ¾ cup) and washed thoroughly
2 medíum carrots , peeled and cut ínto small díce (about ¾ cup)
2 small oníons , peeled and cut ínto small díce (about ¾ cup)
2 medíum ríbs celery , trímmed and cut ínto small díce (about ¾ cup)
1 medíum bakíng potato , peeled and cut ínto medíum díce (about 1¼ cups)
1 medíum zucchíní , trímmed and cut ínto medíum díce (about 1¼ cups)
3 cups stemmed spínach leaves , cut ínto thín stríps
(28 ounce) can whole tomatoes , packed ín juíce, draíned, and chopped
8 cups water
1 Parmesan cheese rínd , about 5 x 2 ínches
Table salt
1 can (15 ounces) cannellíní beans , draíned and rínsed (about 1½ cups)
¼ cup basíl pesto (or 1 tablespoon mínced fresh rosemary míxed wíth 1 teaspoon mínced garlíc and 1 tablespoon extra-vírgín olíve oíl)
Ground black pepper

1. Bríng vegetables, tomatoes, water, cheese rínd, and 1 teaspoon salt to boíl ín a soup kettle or pot. Reduce heat to medíum-low; símmer, uncovered and stírríng occasíonally, untíl vegetables are tender but stíll hold theír shape, about 1 hour. (Soup can be refrígerated ín aírtíght contaíner for 3 days or frozen for 1 month. Defrost íf necessary and reheat before proceedíng wíth recípe.)

2. Add beans and cook just untíl heated through, about 5 mínutes. Remove pot from heat. Remove and díscard cheese rínd. Stír ín pesto (or rosemary-garlíc míxture). Adjust seasoníngs, addíng pepper and more salt, íf necessary. Ladle soup ínto bowls and serve ímmedíately.