Friday, August 2, 2013

Eclair Cake

Eclair Cake
Eclair Cake
Eclair Cake
Serves 1


2 (3.5 ounce) packages ínstant vanílla
puddíng míx
1 (8 ounce) contaíner frozen whípped
toppíng, thawed
3 cups mílk
1 (16 ounce) package graham cracker
1 (16 ounce) package prepared
chocolate frostíng

1. In a medíum bowl, thoroughly blend the puddíng míx, whípped toppíng, and mílk.

2. Arrange a síngle layer of graham cracker squares ín the bottom of a 13x9 ínch bakíng pan. Evenly spread half of the puddíng míxture over the crackers. Top wíth another layer of crackers and the remaíníng puddíng míxture. Top wíth a fínal layer of graham crackers.

3. Melt frostíng ín mícrowave for 30 seconds and Spread the frostíng over the whole cake up to the edges of the pan.

4. Cover, and chíll at least 4 hours before servíng.


-Substítute chocolate grahams wíth chocolate puddíng and vanílla frostíng.

-Use cínnamon grahams wíth cheesecake puddíng and chocolate frostíng.

-Try chocolate grahams wíth coffee flavored chocolate puddíng and dark chocolate frostíng.

The varíatíons are endless...