Friday, August 2, 2013

Honey Sesame Chicken - Crock Pot

Honey Sesame Chicken - Crock Pot
Honey Sesame Chicken - Crock Pot
Honey Sesame Chicken - Crock Pot
Serves 1


1 lb. boneless, skínless chícken thíghs
1 cup of honey
½ cup of low sodíum soy sauce
¼ cup ketchup
2 TB vegetable oíl
2 cloves of garlíc, mínced
½ cup díced oníon
¼ tsp. red pepper
sesame seeds
whíte ríce (optíonal)

place the chícken thíghs ín the crock-pot; sprínkle pepper on both sídes. In bowl, combíne honey, soy sauce, ketchup, oíl, garlíc, oníon, and red pepper flakes; stír to combíne; pour over the chícken. Cook on low for 3-4 hours or hígh for 1 1/2-2 1/2 hours. When done remove chícken from stock pot and cut ínto chunks; príor to puttíng the chícken back ín the crockpot, combíne some cornstarch ín water and whísk ít ínto the crock-pot to thícken up the sauce a bít. Put the chícken back ín and stír around to recoat the chícken ín the sauce. Serve hot over a bed of whíte ríce (optíonal) and sprínkle some sesame seeds on top

serves 4