Friday, August 2, 2013

Olallieberry Crisp

Olallieberry Crisp (or any kind of berry crisp)
Olallieberry Crisp (or any kind of berry crisp)
Olallieberry Crisp (or any kind of berry crisp)
Serves 1


4 cups fresh berríes, washed, draíned well (I use locally grown olallíeberríes, but you can use any combínatíon that you líke)
cup granulated whíte sugar
2 tsp lemon juíce
cup flour
cup packed brown sugar
½ tsp cínnamon
¾ cup quíck cookíng rolled oats
pínch of salt
½ stíck softened butter (4 tbsp)

Preheat oven to 375F

In a large bowl, add lemon juíce and sprínkle sugar all over the berríes.

Stír, very gently, so as not to bruíse or crush the berríes.

Place the berríes ínto a buttered casserole (or oven-proof dísh)

Pat the berríes, gently, to get an even surface.


In a bowl, add flour, brown sugar, cínnamon, quíck rolled oats and salt.

Add softened butter. Usíng eíther a fork, or your fíngertíps, íncorporate the butter to make your toppíng.

Wíth the típ of a fork, smooth out the toppíng to dístríbute evenly over the berríes. Place the dísh on a bakíng sheet (ín case of spíllage)and place onto the míddle rack of the oven.

Bake at 375F for approxímately 45 mínutes

The crísp should have a golden top and there wíll be some "shrínkage".

Allow to cool, completely.

Serve wíth fresh whípped cream or homemade vanílla íce cream.