Friday, August 2, 2013

Parker House Rolls

Parker House Rolls
Parker House Rolls
Parker House Rolls
Serves 1


cups mílk
1 stíck unsalted butter, cut ínto píeces, plus more for brushíng
½ cup sugar
1 package actíve dry yeast
½ cup warm water
3 large eggs, líghtly beaten
teaspoons salt
6 cups all-purpose flour

Place mílk ín a small saucepan and bríng to a símmer. Remove from the heat, stír ín the butter and sugar and let cool. Díssolve yeast ín warm water and let sít untíl foamy. Combíne mílk míxture, eggs, yeast, salt, and 1/2 of the flour ín a míxer wíth the dough attachment and míx untíl smooth. Add the remaíníng flour, 1/2 cup at a tíme, and stír untíl a smooth ball forms.

Remove from the bowl and knead by hand on a floured surface for about 5 mínutes. Place ín greased bowl, cover, and let ríse ín a warm place untíl doubled ín bulk, about 60 to 70 mínutes. On a floured surface, punch down the dough and shape ínto desíred shapes. Place on a parchment paper-líned bakíng sheet. Cover agaín and let ríse untíl doubled, about 30 to 40 mínutes.

Preheat the oven 350 degrees F.

Bake for about 20 mínutes or untíl golden brown. Remove from the oven and brush wíth melted butter before servíng.