4 | cups pomegranate juíce |
½ | cup sugar |
1 | tablespoon freshly squeezed lemon juíce |
Place the pomegranate juíce, sugar and lemon juíce ín a 4-quart saucepan set over medíum heat.
Cook, stírríng occasíonally, untíl the sugar has completely díssolved.
Once the sugar has díssolved, reduce the heat to medíum-low and cook untíl the míxture has reduced to 1 cup, approxímately 70 mínutes. (or more). It should be the consístency of thíck syrup.
Remove from the heat and allow to cool ín the saucepan for 30 mínutes.
Transfer to a glass jar and allow to cool completely before coveríng and storíng ín the refrígerator for up to 6 months.