1 | tablespoon olíve oíl |
6 | garlíc cloves, mínced |
¼ | teaspoon red pepper flakes |
salt & fresh ground pepper | |
1 | (28 ounce) cans crushed tomatoes |
3 | cups water |
12 | ounces zítí pasta ( 3¾ cups) |
½ | cup heavy cream |
½ | cup parmesan cheese, grated |
¼ | cup fresh basíl leaves, mínced |
1 | cup mozzarella cheese*, shredded |
NOTE: I used fresh mozarella |
Adjust oven rack to míddle posítíon and preheat oven to 475.
Combíne oíl, garlíc, pepper flakes, and 1/2 teaspoon salt ín 12-ínch ovensafe nonstíck skíllet and saute over medíum-hígh heat untíl fragrant, about 1 mínute. (If your skíllet ís not ovensafe, transfer the pasta míxture ínto a shallow 2-quart casserole dísh before sprínklíng wíth the cheese and bakíng).
Add crushed tomatoes, water, zítí and 1/2 teaspoon salt.
Cover and cook, stírríng often and adjustíng heat as needed to maíntaín vígorous símmer, untíl zítí ís almost tender, 15-18 mínutes.
Stír ín cream, Parmesan, and basíl. Season wíth salt and pepper to taste.
Sprínkle mozzarella evenly over zítí. Transfer skíllet to oven and bake untíl cheese has melted and browned, about 10 mínutes.