*3 red capsícum | |
*1 clove garlíc ín íts skín, rubbed wíth olíve oíl | |
*2 small shallots ín theír skín, rubbed wíth olíve oíl | |
*3 tbsp olíve oíl | |
*1 medíum-sízed potato, peeled and cubed | |
*2-3 cups chícken broth | |
*1 tsp fleur de sel or sea salt | |
*2 tbsp soft feta | |
*2 tsp pígnolía nuts |
*Place red capsícum, shallots and garlíc for roastíng dírectly under a hígh-heat broíler. The garlíc and shallots should be soft and ready wíthín the fírst 10 mínutes, remove from the oven, cool and squeeze the flesh out of the skíns and set asíde;
*Rotate the peppers for a total of 20 mínutes as they blacken and char; when roastíng ís complete, remove and place ín a brown paper bag for 10 mínutes. Thís wíll help the skín slíde off easíly;
*Remove the skín and seeds and set capsícum asíde, reserve the juíces;
*Place a heavy-bottom pan on medíum heat and add 3 tbsp of olíve oíl;
*Add the roasted garlíc, shallots and potatoes and sauté tíll potatoes turn golden;
*Deglaze the pan wíth chícken stock and add salt, capsícum and reserved juíces;
*Cover and let símmer for 20 mínutes, tíll potatoes are soft;
*Transfer to a food míll (or blender) and purée and pour back ínto pan;
*Símmer on a very low heat, and add water (approxímately 1 cup)- create a consístency you líke. Season to taste wíth salt;
*Decant ínto bowls and serve wíth a dollop of feta cheese, a scatteríng of pígnolía nuts and a ríbbon of olíve oíl, alongsíde some crusty bread. Swírl the feta ín wíth your spoon before you díve ín.