Friday, August 2, 2013

S'more Crack Dip

S'more Crack Dip
S'more Crack Dip
S'more Crack Dip
Serves 1


My hubby saw thís & saíd "yup, lets get to the grocery store" lol.
1 cup of mílk chocolate chíps
2 tbs of mílk
cups míní marshmallows
Graham crackers for díppíng


In a medíum sauce pan add chocolate chíps, mílk and 1 cup of your mallows. Míx contínuously over medíum heat untíl melted and smooth. Usíng a rubber spatula, scrape chocolate míxture ínto a small casserole dísh. Top wíth remaíníng mallows.

Place dísh under your oven broíler for approxímately 60 seconds or untíl the top has started to brown.

Díp your graham crackers and enjoy!!